Fort Riley, KS
Fiber Optic Installation

End User: 9th Degree, LLC
Time Frame: 01/23/24-06/28/24
Value: $219,960.00
Scope of work:
Provided and installed three (3) 12-strand, single-mode fiber optic cables at Marshall Airfield on Fort Riley. The first span started at the newly installed Glide Slope Shelter and went to Building 728. The second span started at the newly installed Localizer Shelter and went to the existing handhole #1 and was terminated into an existing fiber in this handhole. The third span of fiber started at Base Operations Building 744 and was run through existing conduit pathways in going back to Building 728.
Provided and installed 4” Schedule 40 HDPE from the Shelter to tie into the existing pathway on the South side of the runway. This included tying into the existing pathways that run underneath the taxiways, also provided and installed 4” Schedule 40 HDPE from the Shelter to the handhole #1. This included the boring underneath the taxiway and the installation of handholes on both sides of the taxiway. On all new pathways, installed 12-gauge trace wire that was installed into the 4” pathway and also provided and installed detectable warning tape 12” above every newly installed pathway.
This included the installation of wall-mounted fiber enclosures at the Glide Slope Shelter, at the Localizer Shelter, at Building 728, and at Building 744. Installed a splice enclosure into Handhole #1 where the newly installed 12-strand fiber was spliced into the existing fiber line that runs back to Building 728. Access terminated and spliced the fiber into pigtailed cassettes with SC connectors and installed these cassettes into the wall-mounted fiber enclosures. All fiber terminations were tested and labeled. The test results were provided to the customer and end-user at the completion of the project.